A downloadable walk in the park for Windows and Linux

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Embark on an adventure in the world of the Notes!


  • WASD/Arrows: Move Super Note (player in blue)
  • IJKL: Move Apprenti Note (player in red/yellow)
  • Escape: Pause Game

This is a simpler remake of the first level of one of my first games (developed in 2012-2013). Nothing more is planned for this prototype, but hey, you never know.

Also included in this project is Super Note and the Horns of Darkness (codenamed "Fast") a warmup made in ~100 minutes for the Ludum Dare 55.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

SNFusion 47 MB
Source code 1.8 MB
Fast.zip 29 MB

Development log

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