Smol game done fast


Yesterday and today, I made a small Super Note game in a total of ~100 minutes, excluding playtesting. It's a bit too small to get its own page, so I'm putting it here!

It's called Super Note and the Horns of Darkness because there are trumpets and it's nighttime. The project is codenamed Fast because it was very fast to develop.

Why this project? Because it's been a while since I did a game for real. So there I'm trying to warm up for the Ludum Dare 55 which will start a few days for now.

The ancients among you might remember my Shooter Made in 55 Minutes, or even the Platformer Made in 111 Minutes which was also featuring Super Note. BUT! For that last one, I already made its assets before I started counting, so it wasn't really "made in 111 minutes".

Here, I made all graphics, sound effects, music, and code/development in less time than it takes to, um, fly to another country, or… watch an average movie (I'm trying to find a good comparison, it's not easy!!)

So it's a big improvement compared to those two. Some remaining issues is that once you complete the game and go back down, there is too much stuff.

One could also compare it to ParAnt which I developed in 3 hours. ParAnt has (kind of) a narrative, and I already had the basic idea and some experience in the game mechanic I implemented. For "Fast", it's also the case because it's a good ol' platformer, but I tried some things, like an unusual climbing mechanic and a light system that is basic and artsy at the same time. I'm mostly satisfied with that.

It's! I exported it for Windows and Linux but you can run it on MacOS/the web/etc by extracting the .pck file and using another Godot 3 game. It was made in Godot 3.5 (yep I still have it!)

Thanks for reading and see ya in the next one!

Files 29 MB
82 days ago

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Whoops, it looks like you can get softlocked in the final climb, if you throw a trumpet at exactly the wrong place.

I don't know how to fix it without overhauling the mechanic completely, so I'll leave it at that and think about it next time I implement something like that.