Warmup postmortem

The day after release, a warmup weekend jam begins. Better submit this game then! (does this obey the rules if this was made before the actual warmup jam???)

Anyway, this is a very simple shooter. As the name suggests, it was made in less than a hour.

### What is done

You can move, shoot, and die. There are enemies that appear and go downwards. As time goes on there are more enemies. You can even shoot sideways!

Also, there are minimal sound effects (+ an unused power-up one). All of audio is made with the sfxr tool. I put some juice at the game over sequence, but I should have made a second enemy instead. And destroy enemies once they reach the bottom.

There is a tiny difference between the source code version and the playable version: you can play with an analog joystick and shoot with A/B buttons on the source code version.

### What could be done

The current situation looks very static. If I had more time, I would replace the blocks on the borders by two very tall scrolling sprites. Maybe do a parallax effect by putting 2-3 sprites at each side? Also, moving stars in the background.

With even more time, I could turn it into a full game: a second enemy, a minimal main menu, a restart button waiting for player input on the game over screen, some music and a boss.

This reminds me a lot of one of Miziziziz's video where he basically does the same thing. Most of the differences in my game are homemade sprites, more cosmetic elements & lack of crucial game elements. And 5 minutes. Go check his channel, it's great.

### Conclusion

It's a warmup! I won't do the same thing in LD46 and rest for 47 hours. Neither will I do 48 half-baked shooters in a row. Maybe the result will be a completely different game. It also depends on the theme.


NewShooter.zip Play in browser
Apr 10, 2020
smin55min.zip 98 kB
Apr 11, 2020

Get Shooter made in 55 minutes


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Anything goes in warmup weekend!